Antiphons for Advent
Caelis Academy Ensemble and director organist/pianist Matthew Larkin sings and plays pre-Christmas music by Howells, Joubert, Larkin, Palestrina, Willan and more.
Caelis Academy Ensemble:
Soprano: Kim Lynch, 🞶 Ellen McAteer, Kathleen Radke, Abby Wilson
Alto: Kevin Hassell, Andrew Robar, Manon Veselovsky, Maeve Weddle
Tenor: Morgan Hassell, Nicholas Savage, Owen Spicer
Bass: 🞶 Michael Carty, Gabriel Delannoy, Mackenzie Elliot, Luc van der Leeden, Benjamin Mallory, Christopher Mallory
(🞶 denotes soloist)
Matthew Larkin, director
Kyrie eleison, from Missa Brevis No. 4, “Corde natus” (Healey Willan)
“Of the Father’s love begotten” (12th century hymn “Corde natus”, arr. M. Larkin; words attr. to Prudentius, tr. J.M. Neale)
Antiphon: O Sapientia [Wisdom]
Chorale Prelude “Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen”, Op. 122/8 (Johannes Brahms)
Advent Prose (Gregorian theme, arr. M. Larkin)
Antiphon: O Adonai [Kingship]
“We wait for thy loving kindness, O God” (William McKie; words from Psalm 48)
“Vienne la Rosée” (French melody, arr. M. Larkin; words by Olivier de la Brosse)
Antiphon: O radix Jesse [the Tree of Jesse]
“A spotless rose” (Herbert Howells; words by Catherine Winkworth)
Antiphon: O clavis David [the Key of David]
“O Sing unto the Lord” (James MacMillan; words from Psalm 96)
Antiphon: O Oriens [Dayspring]
Alma Redemptoris Mater / Loving Mother of the Redeemer (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Antiphon: O Rex Gentium [King of the Gentiles]
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree (Elizabeth Poston; words attr. to Joshua Smith)
Antiphon: O Emmanuel
Magnificat in G, Op. 81 (Charles Villiers Stanford)
“O come, O come, Emmanuel” (11th c. hymn “Veni Emmanuel”, arr. M. Larkin; words adapted from the O Antiphons by J.M. Neale and others)